Service Manual for 2014 Toyota RAV4 EV (2012-13 should be similar) This is not anything like a COMPLETE serivce manual. The wiring diagrams are complete; the rest is a mish-mash of copied web pages, and probably none of the hyperlinks work, but you can open individual pages and read/see the info. --- If you're trying to un-archive the .zip of the collection, using Windows 10, and the extracting process shows, "Destination path too long" or similar, you can expand W10's 260 char path limitation by editing the Registry and enabling Long Paths. Use 'regedit' Search for: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem Find the key LongPathsEnabled Change its value from '0' to '1'. --- You can read the connector IDs and then look up the connectors individually; all connector IDs are in individual directories, so for example if you're looking for connector "1B", search for a directory that has "-1B" in it. Ubuntu's "Files" (Nautilus) makes this easy. --- History 09May2024: Converted the .svgz files to .png at 300 dpi instead of 96, and also replaced the grey backgrounds where I hadn't before. $17 and four hours. The original .svgz files are left intact, if someone wants to use a suitable viewing app (the transparent background makes this uncomfortable without some css wrapper or manual background manipulation) 03Nov2023: Persuaded the author of to add --exclude-pattern option, so now all directories that end in "_files" are excluded from the generated index.html files. Yeah! 20Aug2023: Changed indexing utility. Dir2HTML 4.0.0 from Arclabs is Win-only and won't process paths >260 chars. Its main advantage is that all its index files were kept in a single "index--" directory at the top, instead of polluting each directory with its own index.html . But, it left ~1539 directories un-indexed due to being >260 chars in path, so it wasn't useful. Changed to using dir-indexer (2012), pollutes dirs with individual index.html, but is python-based, runs in linux and therefore has no silly 260 char path limitation. 18Aug2023: Corrected parenthesis and space in three directories, pattern like this: from: Motor_Compartment_Main_No._3_Wire_and_Motor_Compartment_Main_Wire _Inside_of_the_Motor_Compartment_Relay_Block_and_Motor_Compartment_Junction_Block)-DA1 to: Motor_Compartment_Main_No._3_Wire_and_Motor_Compartment_Main_Wire_(Inside_of_the_Motor_Compartment_Relay_Block_and_Motor_Compartment_Junction_Block)-DA1 Found that the $29 indexing util Arclabs' Dir2HTML (Win-only) apparently still has the old Win32 MAX_PATH limitation and may need its manifest updated. Consequence: it will not index some of the directories (such the three noted above) that push the path beyond 260 chars. I have submitted a support request to Arclabs about this; meanwhile, the dirs are in the archive, but won't be accessible via the html indexing system, only by manually finding them via a file browsing tool. This affects ~1,539 files (of ~22k), so it's a big deal. 17Aug2023: Added HTML indexing by Dir2HTML. 19,570 Files, 3,370 Folders, totalling 971.5 MB Apr2023: Initial collecting. -- end