20240813 Adapter from rear DLC3 (DLC3 No. 2) to a "generic" OBDII dongle that can read CAN on the standard OBDII socket pins. Standard OBDII pinout: CANH = 6 CANL = 14 12v + battery (unswitched) = 16 Chassis Ground = 4 Signal (shield) Ground = 5 (lots of others) DLC3 No.2 CAN/power pinout: CANH = 6 (no change) CANL = 14 (no change) 12v + = N/A Chassis Ground = N/A Signal (shield) Ground = 12 DLC3 No.2 TPD/ethernet pinout: TX- = 1 TX+ = 9 RX- = 3 RX+ = 22 As there is no power/ground at DLC3 No. 2, to power a CAN diagnostic dongle we must bring 12v + and - from a separate source to the dongle connector. Connect DLC3 No. 2 #12 to dongle connector #5 References: garygid's post on adapter harness for early Model S: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/logging-multiple-can-buses-to-pc-with-my-can-do-program.64292/#post-1410131 1. Ground on TDC pin 9 - goes go OBD pin 4 2. Power ("12v", usually more) from TDC pin 10 - goes to OBD pin 16 3. CAN3 High pin 1 - goes to OBD pin 6 4. CAN3 Low pin 6 (which is adjacent to pin 1) - goes to OBD pin 14 -- end