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Re: Server Blog

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:58 am
by waynosworld
Thankyou :D

Re: Server Blog

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 5:32 pm
by asavage
Upgrade phpBB from 3.3.2 -> 3.3.7

We're currently running php 7.4.3 . In preparation for php 8, which will be forced on us by the next Ubuntu server upgrade (20.04 -> 22.04), I've upgraded the forum software today. Only three hours, two of which were me unzipping the new files in the wrong part of the directory tree . . . twice. Took a while to figure that one out. My upgrade notes are getting better, I could follow my own recipe, and there were only a couple of changes from last time, in Dec2020.

Please let me know if you find anything new amiss. I don't expect any old issues to get cleared up by this upgrade.

Re: Server Blog

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 8:39 am
by asavage
The site's favicon disappeared. I noticed today, when I force-reloaded a page and the favicon from my browser's cache wasn't displayed. The whole darned directory of this site's favicons (there are several) was gone. Who knows how long that's been the case.

If you don't see a favicon in the URL address bar of your browser, or next to a bookmark of this site, try reloading the site including images (for many browers, [Ctrl+[F5]] will do it).
NissanDiesel PNG version of favicon.
NissanDiesel PNG version of favicon.
nissandiesel-144.png (505 Bytes) Viewed 6181 times

Re: Server Blog

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 9:49 pm
by asavage
I, and the forum's server, have moved from Duvall, Wash. to Oak Harbor, Wash., leaving Wave (Astound) for Comcast (Xfinity), the only choice at this address. Speed tests good!

Re: Server Blog

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:00 am
by Nissan_Ranger
Lots of fun! Did you change jobs as well?



Re: Server Blog

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:31 am
by asavage
After 8.5 years at the hospital, I QUIT. They treated me abominably, and I really hung in there 1.5 years longer than I should have, but it eventually sunk in that I'd have to let it go and let what I'd built there go to crap, which it did. That was last October. While I'd planned to work another six years, I'm probably in the 'retired’ column now. I'd thought hard about taking another job, but my heart's not in it, and I'd been half-time for the last year and really liked that.

So, no, no new job. Unpacking into a rental all my stuff is going to be several weeks, though. I feel like I'm living in a heated storage unit, no organization here yet, but I got the server plugged in, that's a start.

Re: Server Blog

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:41 am
by Nissan_Ranger
OMG! I just found out how little I know about you. I have always thought that you ran a mechanic repair shop; you certainly have the knowledge and skills for that. Being retired will give you the time to do some of that kinda stuff that you maybe did not have time for earlier.

I know exactly how it is working for a stupid administration. I quit/retired from working on a military flightline for pretty much the same reason.


outgoing email

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:42 am
by asavage
Email from the forum to users hasn't worked in about three weeks. I think it's working now (except for gmail accounts). We are working on the gmail portion. There is some hope.

[two days later]
Gmail email seems to be working, too.