====================================================================== Most of the world does not use an HTML-enabled email client, so you may want to make Netscape's "Plain Text editor" the default. To change Netscape's default editor (for Newsgroup postings AND email in Messenger): (see ftp://asavage.fdns.net/hosting/NN_PlainText01.jpg) * Select Edit->Preferences, * In the left pane, Select the "+" next to "Mail & Newsgroups" to expand it, * In the left pan, Select "Formatting", * On the right side, top, choose "Use the plain text editor . . . ". To leave the default editor to be HTML, but change an individual email or newsgroup posting to plain text: (see ftp://asavage.fdns.net/hosting/NN_PlainText02.jpg) * Select the tab as shown in the picture above, * Then, in the "Format" listbox, Select "Plain Text only". ======================================================================