OS/2 Warp4 Installation:
Disabling the Elephant (ARTCHRON)

The ARTCHRON (Elephant) Registration Reminder screen

Disable the Elephant!
Method One: Brute Force

Method Two: Elegant
  Open the "OS2 System" folder, open the "Drives" folder, open the OS/2 boot drive, navigate to \OS2\INSTALL\Installed Features\Install Object - Inventory\ART - Inventory"
Drives folder

Dbl-click on "ART - Inventory" A dialogue box comes up.
Drives folder

   Select the box next to "ART- Inventory",
   Select the "Uninstall" button.  Another dialogue box comes up.
Dialogue box: Uninstallation Summary

   Important!  Select the "ART- Inventory" line first,!
   Select the "Uninstall" button.
   A progress dialogue will appear,
   Then a dialogue affirming that "Uninstallation Scheduled after Restart . . . "
Dialogue box: Uninstallation Scheduled . . .

  This will uninstall the entire "art" directory and all components relating to registration.
  [Source:  Seth McFarland <ptackbar@vnet.net> (edited by ALS).  Thanks, TC Carr, for forwarding this tip]

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Last updated 03-Jun-2001